Hospital Appointment
If you read the previous blog post 'London Trip And Going Downhill' you will know I had an emergency hospital appointment today. This is because on Wednesday I woke up feeling really ill, once again :(. Dad drove me up for my appointment this morning at 10:40am where I saw Sam who did my Lung Function tests. It's back down again to FVC 86%. So annoying after it improved while I was on Ivs!
Dr.Higton came and saw me afterwards and she listened to my chest and said it was quite crackily and that I need to get on with doing my physio every day! She decided to put me on some Rifampicin and Sodium Fusidate antibiotics to try and clear this cold and cough! They usually prescribe these tablets for 3 months but she said to just try a month and see how I go because last time Dr.Ho prescribed me with Rifampicin, I only lasted a week because I had an allergic reaction and came up with a rash on my hands and feet.
Me and dad then had to go down to the pharmacy to give in my prescription for my new tablets but that takes about half an hour to process so we then went back to clinic.
I brought along my Isleep machine to clinic as The Knight Foundation have funded me my very own machine so I can give the Brompton hospital theres back. So I took along my current one so they could set up my new machine with the same settings. The new machine is a bit different to the Isleep but it all works the same as it is a BiPAP. It is made by the same company as my puffer which is useful and it's much smaller and handy too :).
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