For those of you who know me well enough, will know I'm Tinie Tempah's biggest fan! Back in 2012 Shona sent off some forms to Starlight Children's Foundation to apply for me to have a wish. "Starlight brightens the lives of seriously ill and terminally ill children by wish granting and also by providing fun, entertainment, laughter and distraction for children in every children's hospital ward and hospice throughout the United Kingdom." When Starlight got back to us, I had to the chance to send off a list of my top three wishes and Starlight would see what they could do to make one of those wishes come true. So ofcourse I wished to meet my idol; Tinie Tempah.
Victoria, a wish granter, got back to us soon after saying that she had recieved my wish list but it could take some time to grant as celebrity wishes are difficult where the celebs are so busy. But I was willing to wait! So many months have passed since then as it was back in around January last year.
I was saying to mum around the end of April that it had been such a long time since we sent off my wish list. The same week, we had a phonecall from Victoria saying Tinie had agreed to go ahead with meeting me! How weird considering we had just been speaking about it less than a week before we recieved the phonecall. The following Friday mum had another phonecalll and email from Victoria saying that I would be meeting Tinie on the 8th of May in a hotel in London. Just two weeks after the phonecall. HOW EXCITING!!!
Over the two weeks mum and Victoria spoke about what else I would want to do on the day so Victoria said she would arrange a limo to come and pick the five of us up (Me, Mum, Dad, Abbi and George) and then I chose to go to the Rain Forest Cafe after meeting Tinie which Starlight also payed for.
I was counting down the days to meet Tinie everyday as it got closer because I was so excited. I was also scared and nervous about what I'd actually speak to Tinie about and at the fact I was actually going to be meeting him!
The day arrived...
Darren, the limo driver, arrived with the limo at around 11:40am which was a silver Chrysler. He drove us up to London although, we had no idea which hotel we were going to so it was all a surprise! We had the music blaring and the windows down, so when we went through London all the tourists were taking photo's of us. George was waving at everyone and posing for all the photos. We felt famous!
We arrived at the Millennium Hotel in Grosvenor Square where Darren told us this is where we would be meeting Tinie!! When we went inside, people from Rays Of Sunshine wish granting charity were there who sat me down and explained that the day was already organised for Tinie to come here and meet two other children so they got in touch with Victoria and asked if anyone from Starlight had wished to meet Tinie which of course was me! Victoria then arrived at the hotel aswell who sat down in the waiting room with us. Tinie wasn't due to arrive until 2pm and I would be meeting him around half past so in the mean time, I made a list of questions I would like to ask Tinie so that I knew what to say incase I forgot where I was so excited when I actually saw him. The Rays Of Sunshine staff asked me to stay in the waiting area incase I was to see Tinie when he first arrived. So I did what they said but I could see right out into the hotel entrance anyway so saw Tinie arrive. When I saw his arrival I had the biggest grin on my face and was so excited to meet him!!!
2:30pm arrived and I was taking up to a hallway area outside a room where I would be meeting Tinie after he had finished his first meeting. I could hear him talking and suddenly felt sooo nervous!! I then watched the other girl leave and they told me it was my turn. I just looked at mum and said "I'm so scared" they all laughed and told me to go in. So nervously, I walked through the door...
Mum had an amazing idea and told me to ask Tinie so it was worth asking. I asked him if he would record my answer phone message on my phone so when I don't pick up it goes to him. He agreed to do it so now I have possibly the best answer phone ever! The amount of people I have had ringing me just to listen to him! I also asked if he would follow me on Twitter and Instagram which he agreed to and now does, which is amazing!
And there was my idol; Tinie Tempah! He said "Come here, give us a hug" and hugged me straight away. Oh my god it was the best hug I've ever recieved!
I then went to sit on the single seat sofa and he said "No, come and sit next to me". I was honestly so nervous I didn't know what to do. Tinie was just laughing at me haha. I had my leopard print Nike Blazers on which I had seen on his blog months ago so had to buy them which he told me he loved!
I began asking my questions straight away as the Rays of Sunshine staff had warned me I would only be with Tinie for 15 minutes. Which when they told me I was a little disappointed with but 15 minutes was enough to make my dream of meeting him come true. I asked him things such as, when his new album-Demonstration would be out and who would be featuring on it. When I asked him that he told me it was top secret and he had only told one other person so I had to promise not to tell anyone. But let me tell you now it sounds AMAZING and the artists featuring on it is insane!
- His face when telling me how 'sick'
one of the songs on the new album is!
I also asked when the new single would be out which I'm allowed to tell people. Its called Trampoline and will be out on the 29th May. I asked when he would next be touring and he told me he hasn't got any dates planned yet but will be doing some festivals this year but can't tell me which ones as they are unannounced. He did give me a clue though, a very big clue!

After all my questions, I got all my things I had brought along for Tinie to sign; his book, Discovery (the album), the O2 concert CD which I was at, a magazine which he was on the front of and my 'Mr Tempah' t-shirt. When I showed him my t-shirt his face was so funny, he had never seen one before and thought it was amazing. He said "I've got to get a photo of this for my Instagram. June take a photo" I was in shock and said "what? I'm actually going on Tinie's Instagram, thats amazing". He wrote a message in the book that I will honestly treasure forever, he said it was so inspiring to meet someone so bubbly and happy like me.

I ended up spending 40 minutes with Tinie and it was honestly the best 40 minutes of my life! If I could do it all again, I would!
After I had met Tinie, Darren came and collected us and dropped us at the Rain forest Cafe, where the five of us had a lovely meal. I didn't get any signal on my phone where the cafe was under ground so couldn't tell anyone about my amazing day just yet. But randomly, my phone picked up a bit of signal and I started getting loads of notifications from Instagram! Next thing I realise Tinie has posted the photo of me and him on his Instagram and its got over 3000 likes and I'm gaining crazy amounts of new followers. I was speechless, not only had I just met my idol, theres now a photo of me and him on his Instagram for his 200k followers to see.
The photo is now on 9814 likes and I have gained 201 followers since then, I may aswell be famous haha!
It was THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE and if I could do it all again I would. Thank you to Starlight and Rays Of Sunshine for granting my wish and to Tinie Tempah for making me the happiest girl alive that day.
You two are ADORABLE together! So happy for you - a memory you will cherish always.