I didn't really do alot over half term which is why I only blogged on Tuesday, boring ayy! I did go to Aldershot firework display with mum and dad on Saturday after working and getting my nails done though. That was really good but it was freezing!!

It was back to college on Monday and I'm so tired already! The days are so long compared to school ones, by the time I'm home its gone 5 o'clock! Heres some photo's of me and Libby at lunchtime yesterday :-)
Anyway, today was Sian's 18th Birthday. Sian is my cousin who suffered from Cystic Fibrosis but sadly passed away in 2006 when she was just 11 years old. So today to wish her a Happy Birthday I let off some balloons so she could catch them up in heaven. I bet she is partying up there right now.
Then after college today I got let out of my Drama lesson early so I sat in the Cafe with a few of my friends from my lesson. We ended up talking all about CF and me telling them all about my life. It was so great when they said to me that 'I had completley changed their perspective on life', 'they have never respected someone as much as me in their life because I'm always so happy and an inspiration' and that I'm 'Truly one amazing girly'. Comments like this make me so happy but hey whats the point being sad about my life. I'm happy that I'm a little different to others it makes me 'me' I suppose. I then found this picture and thought I'd share it because its so true :-)!
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