YAY! You can probably guess from the blog title I have finished my 2 week course of ivs!
Mum took me up to Frimley yesterday for my appointment to see if I was any better as I had been on the ivs for the past 2 weeks. When I got there I did my lung function tests to find it had improved! Before the ivs my FEV1 was 1.75 litres and FVC 90% but yesterday they had gone up to 2.37 and 93! Which doesn't sound a lot but it was an improvement so I was happy! Judith came in and saw me just to say "well done look at those numbers" so she was pleased too.
Dr Higton came in and saw me afterwards to decide what we would do now. As I had improved, my colds gone and I'm feeling better in myself she agreed to just carry on with my normal medication and come back in 4 weeks to check if I'm doing okay. Which means no more ivs and is a bonus as she did want to try some Rifampicin antibiotics again as I still have a cough but I wasn't keen as I had an allergic reaction to them last time. So being a typical CFer I decided what was best for me instead of the doctor haha! Mum was laughing at me and said "you're such a risk taker. Happily saying you're 100% well when really you know you're not" but you have to take risks with your CF sometimes I guess!
After the hospital I went back to college and then saw Libby and went to the cinema in the evening. Then I had my final dose of Ceftazidime and mum took the gripper needle out afterwards. So I'm free from ivs again for a while!! :D
It's nothing to do with this blog post but I just have to shout out to my Alice Gee for passing her driving test today! Well done Gee!!
Me, Gee and Max went out for her first drive earlier to celebrate!
Early night for me anyway as I'm tired!
Night people :) x
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Failed Bloods :(
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I didn't want to go for bloods. |
Yesterday, Abbs took me back to hospital as I needed to have some bloods taken to check my Tobramycin levels were okay, as I mentioned in the previous blog.
I put my Emla cream on both of my hands and we left the house at 10am.
When I got to the hospital, Judith was there waiting to take my bloods. So I had to quickly take the Tegaderm (plastic sticker keeping the Emla on) off so she could begin. My hands are normally very good with bloods, but when Judith put the butterfly needle in my veins decided they were going to hide away so Judith couldn't get the needle in. So she said to try and warm my hands up a bit as they were so cold and then she would try again after.
About 15 minutes after, Nic one of the nurses came in to try. She tried on the same hand but a different vein and managed to get the needle in. But just as she was about to take the bloods the needle moved out of the vein. So that was failure number two!!
Nic tried again straight after, just above where she had put the needle before as she was sure this was a good vein. And as I won't let anyone take bloods from my arm because of previous times I hoped this time it would work! Finally the needle went into the vein and manged to stay! So Abbi passed Nic the tube to attach to the needle for the blood to come out but it was coming ever so slowly. Then just as I went to say 'is it even bleeding?' the needle popped out of the vein again! Spoke to soon Noni!!
Nic managed to get the tiniest bit of blood so went to find out if that was enough. I have to have my bloods taken again on Thursday, after a week of ivs, to check the Tobramycin levels again to see if my body is reacting normally. But I think I'm going to let mum do them from my arm as my hands are clearly no good at bloods anymore!
After about 10 minutes Nic came back and said the blood people (I can't remember their actual name haha) would do what they can with that. So I attached my Tobramycin IV and me and Abbs came home then I got ready for college.
At college, everyone was saying its meant to snow really heavy from 11pm that night! I hate snow so I was hoping it wouldn't! But on my way to the bus station yesterday it was snowing quite lightly. Then when I woke up today there was so much snow :(! Oh well atleast it meant another day off of college!
Max came over earlier this morning for a while as he had to drive James to college for his exam. Yet because of the snow nobody bothered to go to college so he just came and chilled here for a bit. But he had to leave at about 12 otherwise he wouldn't of been able to drive his car home due to the snow!
The ivs keep making me feel like rubbish or I become tired at random times, like I do now! So I'm going to go for a granny nap haha!
Have fun in the snow :-)
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
IV Time!
I went up to Frimley today for an appointment as I've been really unwell lately and was off college yesterday. As you can probably guess from the post title, I've put been on some IVs.
My weight was down a little so I saw Penny, the dietician, who has told me to drink 3 of my Fortisip shakes a day instead of 2 to get some extra calories into me! (These are weight supplements).
I also saw Jo, the physiotherapist, as I haven't been doing my Isleep properly lately so she was basically telling me I need to do it to get my lung function back up. Which I knew anyway but just haven't been good with it recently. Back to my normal routine as of today! Then she also told me that the CF unit have funded me my very own Isleep machine which is amazing news! So I can give the Brompton their one back now :-)!
Then I saw doctor Higton and asked if she could put me on some IV antibiotics (which means I'm ill as I never ask for these haha)! So she went ahead and sorted me out the ivs to begin today. So I'm currently sat in treatment room 3 having my test doses of Ceftazidime and Tobramycin.
Then the drug centre are going to deliver the 2 week course of ivs to home tomorrow so I can begin them properly.
Luckily I can do all the ivs from home as mum, dad and me are all trained to do them so no staying in hospital being an inpatient woo!!
Just means I will be back up on Thursday or Friday for some bloods to check my Tobramycin levels are all okay.
I'm just waiting for Abbs to come and pick me up and take me to Mcdonalds now :-)!
(If you don't know what any of the terms are look on the CF dictionary page)
My weight was down a little so I saw Penny, the dietician, who has told me to drink 3 of my Fortisip shakes a day instead of 2 to get some extra calories into me! (These are weight supplements).
I also saw Jo, the physiotherapist, as I haven't been doing my Isleep properly lately so she was basically telling me I need to do it to get my lung function back up. Which I knew anyway but just haven't been good with it recently. Back to my normal routine as of today! Then she also told me that the CF unit have funded me my very own Isleep machine which is amazing news! So I can give the Brompton their one back now :-)!
Then I saw doctor Higton and asked if she could put me on some IV antibiotics (which means I'm ill as I never ask for these haha)! So she went ahead and sorted me out the ivs to begin today. So I'm currently sat in treatment room 3 having my test doses of Ceftazidime and Tobramycin.
Then the drug centre are going to deliver the 2 week course of ivs to home tomorrow so I can begin them properly.
Luckily I can do all the ivs from home as mum, dad and me are all trained to do them so no staying in hospital being an inpatient woo!!
Just means I will be back up on Thursday or Friday for some bloods to check my Tobramycin levels are all okay.
I'm just waiting for Abbs to come and pick me up and take me to Mcdonalds now :-)!
(If you don't know what any of the terms are look on the CF dictionary page)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Tandem Skydive
Those of you who know me will know, since 1997 my dad has been doing fundraising events from Bungee Jumps, to Skydives, to climbing Kilimanjaro!
In 2011 after dad climbed Kilimanjaro Mountain and raised a total of £10,410, I thought it was my turn to do something to help out all of us CF sufferers out there!
So on Saturday June 22nd 2013, me and my two bestfriends Josh and Wade will be doing a 10,000ft Tandem Skydive all in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
So all I ask is a little donation from you to help me reach my target of raising £1000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
To sponsor me visit www.doitforcharity.com/NaomiJ or see me in person.
Donating through the site is simple. My charity will recieve your money quickly and easily and if you are a UK taxpayer an extra 25% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you,
Or alternatively if you'd like to sponsor the boys visit either
www.doitforcharity.com/JoshuaP for Josh's page or
www.doitforcharity.com/WadeV for Wade's page.
Thank you so much for your support and bring on 22nd June!!
P.s I'd like as many people to come and support me by coming to watch the Skydive happen in June. So if you could come I would be extremley grateful.
In 2011 after dad climbed Kilimanjaro Mountain and raised a total of £10,410, I thought it was my turn to do something to help out all of us CF sufferers out there!
So on Saturday June 22nd 2013, me and my two bestfriends Josh and Wade will be doing a 10,000ft Tandem Skydive all in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
So all I ask is a little donation from you to help me reach my target of raising £1000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
To sponsor me visit www.doitforcharity.com/NaomiJ or see me in person.
Donating through the site is simple. My charity will recieve your money quickly and easily and if you are a UK taxpayer an extra 25% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you,
Or alternatively if you'd like to sponsor the boys visit either
www.doitforcharity.com/JoshuaP for Josh's page or
www.doitforcharity.com/WadeV for Wade's page.
Thank you so much for your support and bring on 22nd June!!
P.s I'd like as many people to come and support me by coming to watch the Skydive happen in June. So if you could come I would be extremley grateful.
Happy 2013!
Firstly I will start off by saying Happy New Year!
I have been so busy over decemeber with partying, Christmas, New Years Eve and my January exams I have not got round to updating the blog!
Well I'll start off with Sunday 23rd December...
On the Saturday 23rd December Me and my friends Libby, Lisa, Max, Tom, Greg and Tom all went to the college night at Pure Lounge Bar in town. I had work until 6 so it was all a big rush to get ready! But the girls came over and got ready and then the boys joined us for 'Pre-drinks' before we went. We had a really good night and partied into christmas eve together as it didn't finish until 1am. Here are some photos :).
Christmas day was really good! We got up and opened our stockings at about 8am (the only day I will get up early voluntarily!) but unfortunately, mum got called out to a homebirth so we didn't see her until the afternoon :(. After opening our stockings, Me, Abbi and George went downstairs and opened all our presents with dad. I got so many presents including Nike Blazers, Clothes and lots of other bits. Mum even got me a tambourine for a joke as I asked for one after seeing Robbie Williams Live. My main present was a Bose wireless bluetooth sound system for me to listen to in my bedroom and take to parties! It is really small but goes so loud!
Once presents were done, dad went out and walked Maddy. So we made ourselves a christmas fry-up. Then got dressed and ready to go to Uncle Tim and Auntie Selina's house to see them, Chloe, Adam, Grandma and Grandad. We got to Tim and Selina's house at about 1:30pm and then Mum came at around 2pm. Then Selina cooked us all a lovely traditional christmas dinner which was lovely!!!
After dinner we all exchanged gifts and I recieved some more lovely gifts. I had a great day playing games and spending it with family.
On the 27th we all went over to Uncle Mark & Jo's house. It was great to see everyone again and I spent most of the afternoon playing games with my cousin Jed. We went cow racing up and down the hall way on his and Billy's new cow space hoppers. Ofcourse I lost everytime, Jed was just to good!
Jo cooked us all a lovely buffet and after that we opened more presents which was good! We got Jed a scooter which he absolutely loved! After presents we ended up playing 'The Cube' board game which was so good it lasted until it was hometime.
On the 28th, Me, George, Mum and Dad all went up to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park as mum had booked for me and George to go ice skating. It was so Christmas and cute! I loved the Ice skating as I haven't been in ages after quitting my figure skating I used to do. After ice skating we went into Topshop sale in London and I spent all of my christmas money! It was such a lovely way to end Christmas!!
On New years eve, I spent the night with the boys; Josh, Wade, Jack, Jay & Lee at Josh's house as his mum had a party. It was such a good night, one of the best parties in ages! And let's just say we are not doing Jaiger and Whisky shots again, ayy boys ;)! Think everyone was sick except me for once woo!!! It was a great way to end 2012 with my favourite people and I started off 2013 hungover with mum, dad and a Mcdonalds... Lovely!
Last Thursday I stayed at Libby's house as I hadn't seen her since Pure, so that was a really nice evening. Love you Libs xoxo.
This week I have had my Media and Psychology exams which were okay, well the Psychology one was. The media one was so difficult and I felt really ill anyway so wasn't in the mood :(. I have had a really bad cold since New years eve and its got worse this week. So mum rang the hospital yesterday and I am either going to be seen tomorrow or Tuesday. Time for some IV's I think. I've got away without having any for almost a year now so I've been pretty lucky!
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